Are you looking for free Technology Guest Post websites to publish your blog related to tech, software, SaaS, or Blockchain?
You are at the right place because Go Amrev offers you to write for us on Gambling and other related betting topics to entertain and acknowledge our readers.
We accept all articles which are only related to Tech, software, SaaS, Blockchain etc.
So, if you have some ideas related to the topics on your plate then feel free to serve your title ideas with us to avail yourself of some benefits.
For Technology guest blogging, we have made some restrictions and rules which are followed by each blogger if they are seriously committed to Write for us Technology.
Nowadays some so-called bloggers and tech contributors try to offer pre-published articles to us. Which lead them to ban the website permanently and no more reply to them.
Go Amrev is committed to its reader seriously and we are not here to waste anyone’s time.
That’s the reason We have made this Technology “Guest Post” submission guidelines that must be followed by the contributors.
Technology “Guest Post” Guidelines to Write For Us
- Tech blog topics must be genuine and not pre-published on any other website.
- The number of words in the article must be 700 words that can go as long as 2000 words.
- Content must not have grammatical errors and it should be written in English only.
- You can get one no-follow link from the article which mustn’t be in the starting paragraph.
- Anchors can be only related to the blog and no homepage or service pages allowed
- Every submission must have at least one featured image which must be copyright free.
- Every article must focus on related Tech, Blockchain, SaaS, PaaS, or other software related.
- Submitted articles cannot be promotional.
How to be a contributor to Technology Guest Post?
If you have reached that far then you must have read all the guidelines which are pretty straight & simple. To write for us tech-related post reach out at the below email id:
If you want to promote your tech business or your website then please mention “Sponsored Enquiry” in the subject line. Also, we have the right to modify or delete each submitted article for the guest post. Once it is published then you have no right to ask for further modifications.
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